10 Flat Earth Facts to Tell Your Friends

Here are 10 easy to understand facts that might work well as a conversation starter to anyone who you think could be interested in this, one of the biggest conspiracies of all time. However, if you tell your friends these facts, they might not want to be friends anymore.

But in my opinion, anyone who already believes that the moon landings were fake are very good candidates for being able to at least listen to flat earth ideas. That said, I do have friends who believe the moon landings were a hoax, and that NASA is a complete joke, but yet would have a very hard time taking-in flat earth information. So just imagine how hard it is to talk to someone who thinks we did land on the moon and that NASA is great!

When I say “Flat Earth Facts,” this includes facts about the real nature of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, as well as pointing out the non-sensical absurdities of the globe-earth theory and the lies we have been told, all for the purpose of deceiving us about the nature of the Earth.

Anyway, here are 10 irrefutable facts that should at least make people think…

  1. Moonlight is a cooling light, and is therefore must be some kind of light source of its own. If the Moon is not giving off its own light, then why does its fullness or lack thereof affect people? Why do Moon phases affect crops and farming? Why does Moonlight affect fire differently than Sunlight?
  2. The North Star Polaris has never moved from it’s position above the North Pole, and it never will. And all of the other stars in the sky revolve around the North Star. How is this possible if everything in the (so called) universe is forever rotating, orbiting, and constantly moving further out into space in different directions?
  3. We never see the so-called “dark side of the moon.” Why? Because a dark side does not exist because it is not a ball in so-called “space.” If you want a laugh, look up for yourself “science’s” explanation for why we never see the “dark side.”
  4. To the naked eye, the Sun and the Moon are the same size.
  5. As you increase in altitude in an airplane, a hot air balloon, or some other aircraft, the distant horizon always stays at eye level no matter how high you go. Not only that, it stays at eye level in all 360-degrees around you! Think about it.
  6. The official United Nations logo is a Flat Earth map. Also using flat earth maps as their logo are the International Civil Aviation Organization, The International Maritime Organization, and The World Meteorological Organization.
  7. There has never been a North-South circumnavigation of the “globe”? Why? It is not possible because the Earth is not a ball, and therefore there is no such thing as a “south pole.”
  8. Space shuttle and satellite launches always make giant parabolas in the sky, and even appear to the naked eye to come back down to the earth.
  9. The Northern Latitudes and the Southern Latitudes have drastically different kinds of animal and plant life. If the Earth were a ball, then the Northern and Southern Latitudes would have similar amounts of life. The fact is that Southern Latitudes have surprisingly little life, while the North is surprisingly lush.
  10. Neil Armstrong’s strange behavior and lack of willingness to do interviews for most of his life following his “One small step for man…” If he’s so interested in this “giant leap for mankind,” then why wouldn’t he do interviews? Being one in a handful of people to have ever stepped foot on the Moon, shouldn’t he feel compelled to make himself available for questions? He never stepped on the Moon. He knew his life was one gigantic lie, and he knew the lie couldn’t hold up to scrutiny. Therefore, avoid interviews. I would guess that his guilty conscience at being part of the deception ate away at him until the day he died.

I’ve decided to add a comment that I made below as an addendum to this post:

I have seen comments saying that #1 on my list about Moonlight being a “cooling” light may not be true. Truth is that I have not proven this one conclusively through my own experimentation using temperature-taking instruments. I have simply seen this “proof” on the internet, and through my own experience I can say that the moonlight does feel cool. Those “debunkers” and “shills” who claim that a cooling Moonlight can’t be proven ironically can’t disprove it themselves… meaning, they can’t prove conclusively that the Moonlight isn’t a cooling light. You see, these debunkers are just like every other average Joe in that they don’t have access to expensive equipment (nor the time, nor the know-how) to do controlled scientific experiments, but yet they make it sound like they know for sure.

Nevertheless, if it does ever prove to be untrue (that the Moonlight is a cooling light), which I don’t believe it will be, it does not in any way disprove or discredit the literally hundreds of other flat earth proofs and pieces of evidence that clearly exist and can’t be debunked (unless you rely on special-interest-so-called-science over your own common sense). So I advise to not get hung up on any one proof that might be in dispute or controversial. And remember that the people who do get hung up on one proof are either 1) globe-heads who just refuse to let go of their indoctrinated beliefs, or 2) deliberate shills whose job it is to cast seeds of doubt.

7 thoughts on “10 Flat Earth Facts to Tell Your Friends

  1. I have seen comments saying that #1 on my list about Moonlight being a “cooling” light may not be true. Truth is that I have not proven this one conclusively through my own experimentation using temperature-taking instruments. I have simply seen this “proof” on the internet, and through my own experience I can say that the moonlight does feel cool. Those “debunkers” and “shills” who claim that a cooling Moonlight can’t be proven ironically can’t disprove it themselves… meaning, they can’t prove conclusively that the Moonlight isn’t a cooling light. You see, these debunkers are just like every other average Joe in that they don’t have access to expensive equipment to do controlled scientific experiments. But nevertheless, if it does ever prove to be untrue (that the Moonlight is a cooling light), which I don’t believe it will be, it does not in any way disprove or discredit the literally hundreds of other flat earth proofs and pieces of evidence that clearly exist and can’t be debunked (unless you rely on special-interest-so-called-science over your own common sense). So I advise to not get hung up on any one proof that might be in dispute or controversial. And remember that the people who do get hung up on one proof are either 1) globe-heads who just refuse to let go of their indoctrinated beliefs, or 2) deliberate shills whose job it is to cast seeds of doubt.


    • I know this is an older post, but I recently got a laser temperature gauge, and tested it out myself during a full moon. I confirmed that surfaces in the moonlight were 2 to 3 degrees (celcius) colder than the same surfaces in the shade. It is winter, though, so it will be interesting to see if the differences are greater later on in the year.


    • I’ve already covered this Guinness World Records link in this blog. Shows that anyone can make up a story and put it on a so-called reputable website. If you’ll care to notice, that web page offers not one shred of evidence of their claims. Bye.


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