The Coronavirus Hoax: Testimonies of Healthcare Workers, Hospital Visitors and More

This post was inspired by seeing the many, many comments made to the following video of an ICU Nurse speaking out about the over-exaggerated numbers being reported as “COVID-19” deaths. Some of the comments I have found are from other, similar videos exposing this scam-demic.

First watch the video, and then scroll down to read all of the comments. I have included screenshots of the comments, as well as included the comments as text. I have left all of the spelling and grammar errors as they were in the original comments.

The truth will out. Unfortunately, I’m already preaching to the choir because most people who even get to this blog can already spot a hoax from 1,000 miles away. Although there are still way too many people swallowing the mainstream headlines without thinking, happily it seems that more and more people are questioning this: one of the biggest hoaxes in human history.

Click this link to hear the full interview.

Here are the comments I have collected. There are many more. As you scroll through, check out the number of Likes that are found on a lot of these comments. And I will continue to add more testimonials to this post if I find more…


I’m a nurse in Sacramento area and want people to know that we have never been overwhelmed at any time before and during this pandemic. I can count on one hand how many positives we had at one time. This ICU nurse is absolutely right on everything. I also want to share that changes in the way we run code blues now is going to cause death or anoxic brain injury to many.



Respiratory Therapist here for 15 years. We (RT’s) hyperoxygenate someone who is not breathing or assist with their breathing until we get them intubated. Now we just let them struggle and turn the flow up on the oxygen device until we get them tubed because we treat everyone as if they have the thing. And that’s not even bringing into play all the PPE we have to put on prior to entering the room. Seconds count in a code situation. It’s horrible.


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I work in health care. When patients in two hospitals I work in die, if they have ANY respitory issue, we are ordered to put covid on the death certificate. These patients were never even tested for the virus. Cancer, trauma, blood loss deaths are now all covid deaths. If you are sick, almost everyone gets oxygen so if you die, covid is placed on the death certificate! This is a scamdemic! It’s all lies! (Note the number of Likes and Replies!)


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I am in contact with a senior community of 500+ people. NO ONE has this, nor do they know anyone who has it. The hospital a block away from me is quiet as well. You are spreading dangerous, false info.


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My daughter’s good friends grandmother passed away last week. She has been sick with cancer for several years, never could get rid of it. They put her COD as covid 19 and her family was livid. They are not at all what I would consider “awake” but now they definitely are about this. Her entire family now believes it’s a scam, and they are correct



Nina Thank you so much friend for spreading the truth! Coming from a 25 year ICU nurse veteran, working at one of the busiest hospitals in the nation, I salute you for your honesty and courage. You ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! What you describe is not only happening at your hospital, but my hospital as well. Every death is being recorded as a Covid 19 death. Any respiratory patient is placed in isolation as what they call a PUI or Covid “rule out” . Because of this, I suspect the total reported number of Covid deaths are being misrepresented. It’s a scam like none I’ve ever seen in my career as a medical professional! If you haven’t yet got into the scam on how they diagnose the patients with Covid 19 in the hospital, that’ll be your next step! RT-PCR is a total joke!! God bless you! As medical professionals on the front line, let’s get the truth out to as many people as possible. By the way, I’m writing this at home because my work gave me the day off because our unit has no patients!


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Minnesota (POVnow) channel 4 with Chris Berg – MN Sen. and Dr. Scott M. Jensen said on air that he received a 7 page document from the MN Department of Health advising him to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of CV-19 whether the person actually died from CV-19 or not.


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This is a large city. I would say right after NY we are the largest. We communicate with other hospitals across the country and the same thing is happening. I get “alerts” on my phone giving direction on how to properly place the cause of death on the certificates. We are to assume patient has covid. We do not wait for a confirmation. Also, apparently the test kits we were given were contaminated so they all came up as positive for corona. ALL of them.



I’m a retired surgical nurse and worked for many years as a first Assist in the operating room. We are so fearfully and wonderfully made by God’s design. When we get a virus it changes our DNA for the better, that is, if we have a healthy immune system. It strengthens the immune system against future attacks. Vaccines, however, also change our DNA by manipulating our immune system which actually weakens it in the process and can cause many serious side effects and even death. Ever notice how they don’t mention how many deaths and serious side effects people suffer at the hands of pharmaceutical and vaccine companies annually. I would guess the number is far higher than deaths from any leading disease or illness. I highly encourage people to demand to see the ingredients list of mandatory vaccines. There are many known poisons and carcinogens not to mention aborted fetal tissue involved in the making of vaccines. Why aren’t we putting our efforts into ways of building a healthy immune system naturally by promoting natural supplements and healthy lifestyles. Oooh, pardon me, I forgot, that makes too much logical sense. I’m not saying that Western Medicine doesn’t have good things to offer but why not admit that there is a God and lead people back to the ways in which he said we should live as a first response to illness? When we ingest unnatural products and unclean animals we weaken our immune system. Why does the FDA allow so much artificial food to be available for consumption. Hmm, could they be feeding the corrupt medical system and making sure that it always has a steady supply of patients to “treat” and never let them know that there are cures for most diseases?? Ultimately each person must choose how they will care for the one gift God gave them, their body temple. Why have we been told only to trust doctors on how to care for our physical body?



About 6 weeks ago, i called my doctors office (whos office is located in a Hospital i might add) for an appointment..i called first thing Wednesday morning and was surprised when the receptionist said the earliest available appt was the following Monday early afternoon..busy i suppose and keep in mind this was before CV was a big thing- at least in the States….so TODAY 4/8/20, first thing this morning i called for a doctors appt, thinking it may be weeks until i was seen and to my utter shock the receptionist said “Can you come in today at 11:00 am?”..thats right SAME DAY!…so i was met at the entrance to the hospital by the Hospital Nazi in her gauze mask and glove, i was instructed to stay 6 feet away from her, she asked me all kinds of questions about my medical past and if i exhibited any CV symptoms…she was surprised to see my name not on her list and i basically had to ‘talk’ my way into the waiting room…they waiting room, packed 6 weeks beforehand to near standing room only , only had about 8 chairs scattered throughout this large room…only 4 other people were in the room and i took a chair…down the hall, which was a large room with large sliding glass doors which was like a babysitting room or infant care had been covered with paper with a big sign COVID-19 ISOLATION ROOM!…wow i thought to myself, they really have done a nice ‘set’ for this production…

my curiousity got the best of me so i went to the restroom and on the way back i detoured over to the COVID-19 ISOLATION ROOM, peeked through the space between the doors and saw it was completely EMPTY! i met with my Doctor, who i have known my entire life- we played on the High School Basketball team together…my first question was about the gauze masks…he said he was fitted for a special one a few weeks ago but then chuckled when he said “I have NO idea where it even is actually, and that regular gauze masks and cotton fiber masks people are using are useless”…i then asked him how many CV patients he had seen over the past weeks and he said and i quote “i really cant discuss that but lets just say i have a couple older people who arent feeling well”…i then asked the bullet , i asked “Is this CV real or not”…he replied “whether it is or not is not important, what is important is the economy is going to be ruined, life as we enjoyed a matter of weeks ago will never be seen again…the world is on the brink of collapse- that is my concern”…but the hospital was like a ghost town, no dead bodies anywhere, no ‘war zone’ at all, a very UNBUSY medical staff with no one wearing masks or gloves, except for the Nazi up front.


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My sis in law works at a hospital and said.that they have not even had more than 1 “covid” death (said he was 90) and I live in the “healthcare” capital of the country. Also has talked about how the ventilators don’t help the patients but the drs will leave the patient on them anyway. don’t trust doctors folks, and NEVER trust the govt.


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My sister in Florida has many underlying autoimmune issues and is being treated as such a patient. The night before last she had the chills and an elevated temp. She called her primary doctor, gave her her symptoms and told her she believes it is cellulitis, my sister is also a retired nurse. The doctor told her to stay home and called in hydra chloroquine and a zpak. The doctor labeled her as a covid19 case without seeing her or testing her.



I met a woman over the weekend whose husband normally does welding and construction management for building temporary structures like stages and set ups for concerts and events. His most recent job he was sent to, it was a contract with the government. He wasn’t told what the job was until he got there. As soon as he found out that what he was commissioned to work on was a FEMA quarantine camp, he told them he didn’t want to to do that and went to leave. They shut the gate, locked it and told him he didn’t have a choice. He’s currently there. As I write this. They definitely aren’t planning to let things go back to normal. Maybe they’ll pretend to start semi normal function for a short bit, but it won’t stay that way. But they are building camps everywhere. Even in areas that have very low rates of infection or death.


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I have severe asthma and allergies and last week I had an asthma attack do to the very high winds in my area. I called my doctor for treatment and immediately I was referred to another department because they were concerned that my symptoms were covid 19. I’ve had the same provider since a child and are very much aware of my history but at that moment it was like if they didn’t know who I was. It’s very unsettling how they try to twist everything around


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I’m an RN. Hospitals virtually empty. Good news: Death rate due to CHF, COPD, Pneumonia, etc have almost dropped to zero. We truly are miracle workers!

In case it’s not clear, please note the sarcasm in the above comment.


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I have been a nurse for 30 years as well working in icu Home Health and outpatient surgery. The actual care of the patient has been declining for years and all the focus tends to be on government-issued rules and regulations. I have recently decided that I will never go back into Healthcare at least in that respect. Bill Gates funds the CDC and the World Health Organization which should lead you to look into him.


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Just came back from a walk around my neighborhood where I ran into a physical therapist that lives four doors down. There are also four doctors in our neighborhood, one is the head of the ER department of our local hospital. The therapist told me that the doctors all got together and had a chat. They concluded that this thing is totally overblown. The hospital is EMPTY. There haven’t been any surgeries for a month and only four “cases” of so called CV reported in our county, none of whom were residents, i.e., they came from somewhere else.


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Yes this is the case , my Wife is in the Hospital now , and all they wanted to do for the first 2 day’s is try and prove she had the virus which we knew she didn’t. The care has been poor and when she complained to the Dr. he said, couldn’t she see they were in a crisis and yet there are almost no patients in the facility?


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Two of my FB friends lost relatives recently, ones dad had alzheimers and had been in hospital for a while but when he died they put the cause as coronavirus. The other one said his relative had a heart attack at home and was taken to hospital where he died and they put the cause as coronavirus. I’m wondering if this is one of the reasons that under the new coronavirus laws (UK) they can cremate someone even if the family says no


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I am a nurse in one of the main trauma 1 hospitals in California and what she is saying is 100% correct. Policy changes happen every other day, half the time admit change them by what supplies they are running low on. Nurses are getting laid off because hospital is running at less than 50% capacity. All the surgical units have been closed for 2 wks because all nonessential surgeries are forbidden by the State. Last week our 2 covid units had 20 patients out of 70 rooms.

Patients are being held at the hospital until results are back that are perfectly fine, could be home waiting for results. So many other things its crazy


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My mother 3 nights ago we had to call 911 because my mother appeared to be having stroke! The next day she was in isolation and being treated for COVID-19 with HCQ….She was NOT sick! She has dementia and has not been out of the house in 3 months! The test came back today and was negative…But she is still being treated for COVID-19. We are not allowed to go to the hospital and getting answers is damn near impossible….They rarely return phone calls. This entire thing is a hoax!


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Our senator in MN (Scott jenson MD) told the news that they are telling doctors to classify covid deaths if they suspect covid was the COD but it was not tested. So if he has a pnuemonia patient that dies he needs to classify it as a covid death. He said he has never been taught to assume death causes on certificates and paper work. You are supposed to stick to fact.


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My son in law went to the hospital couple of weeks ago really sick trouble breathing. Filled out paper work. They marked him as covid positive no test. Then gave him chest x-rays, told him he had Pneumonia . Did not test for covid. Did not change paper work saying he had it. but treating him for Pneumonia then sent him home still marked as covid positive. He is getting better. This is in Oregon


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My daughter works in a hospital, they had zero cases 0. We can’t even find any families in this area that their family member have had it. Even though they keep saying that there’s hundreds. Either people aren’t talking which I find unbelievable. Or somebody’s lying.



As someone that works in funeral service in Ontario, and knows plenty of healthcare workers… this is completely true. 100% fact. Most hospitals are sitting around 50% capacity. Empty.

I started raising my eyebrow a few weeks ago when I started reading the CODs on medical certificates. Then when you speak with the families, they say things like “Bob had a bad heart condition” or “Mary was a recluse that never went anywhere. She had a series of small strokes last year”. Deaths are being tested postmortem, and if the test comes back as positive, they are writing it as the COD (though this can depend on the doctor. Some are, some aren’t). They’re being added to the death total regardless.

A very close family friend is a doctor in Emergency. He says the place is a complete ghost town, whereas usually they were running off their feet. Also says the virus was absolutely lab-made.


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I am a physician working in Emergency Room here in Ontario. This nurse is right, me and many others doctors have noticed the same thing. I barely see 15 patients during 10 hours shifts. In almost every hospitals (ER, ICU) in Ontario the visit rate have dropped at least by 60% . Some stable patients who need to be hospitalized are sent home because hospitals want to free bed just in case there is a surge. This surge never happen and will never happen because mainstream media are exaggerating the situation.Statistic are not true and nobody want to speak out because we don’t want to lose our license. There is an agenda which is pushing in this situation but I don’t know yet which one. For sure all is about money since It is way easier to control someone who is scared.


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This is happening everywhere! An ICU nurse family member and LTAC vented unit nurse family member have confirmed this. They are reclassifying double negative result covid test patients as having covid. They are classing those who have died WITH covid as having died from covid. These numbers are being skewed. The models were wrong and they’re trying to make them right. Front line people know.


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Two hospital professionals (one nurse and one technician) told me that they are very upset at being used by the system to push this hoax. At the Ottawa hospital, you cannot wear a mask or gloves, only sanitize your hands, because both hold all sorts of pathogens and bacteria and are entirely counter-productive. The nurse told me she tried to let CBC know that they were falsely reporting, but she was rebuffed.


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I’m a first responder. This is all a huge lie!!!!! I knew something else was going on when it first started. I video the ER rooms and they’re empty! Every one of them! Watch the “Fall of Cabal” on YouTube to see what’s really going on. Trudeau is one of these people, and his father. You will be shocked at why Trudeau is a puppet. We need to stand up and fight back to get our rights back! As Canadians, we have worked so hard for this country to let things happen this way! Trudeau is KILLING CANADA!!!!!! Where we go 1 we go all!!!!!!!


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I cut my finger at work a couple weeks ago and had to go to emergency for stitches. I asked the doctor stitching me up how busy its been since covid. He said they were slower than ever. My region has over 3000 infected and it’s the only hospital in my city. I found that odd.


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I took a drive over to Brampton Civic Hospital on Saturday APRIL the 18th around 1 30 pm or so. To my tiny surprise, the back entrance was shuttered, a sign saying Due to Covid19, these doors will be locked, please go to front entrance or Emergency. Those parking spaces were all empty. I drove around the building past the Emergency staff parking area- not a single car there. I got out to get some video of the ambulance drive through, both giant doors closed and no ambulances inside. At that point, Pallidan security (2) romped out to tell me no photos were allowed to be taken and told me to erase all photos, to which I informed him- there is no law in Canada saying I can’t record from a public sidewalk, I told them to go back inside to work. They followed me back to my truck saying they would charge me with trespassing, to which I said- you can’t trespass me from a public sidewalk which I paid for with my taxes. I drove around to Emergency, not a car there, one little old man sitting in front of outpatient entrance. How can we possibly have a pandemic with no Emergency staff parked at all, no ambulances anywhere in sight and lest I forget- no one at the big brown overflow? tent sitting right next to the outpatient entrance. It seemed to be zipped up tight. Virtually no traffic in or out. I guess- no more car crashes, accidents at work, appendicitis ( done at home now I guess). That hospital is a shell of itself.


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I’ve been banned from seeing my 94 (95 April 29th) yr old WWII Veteran Father (Anthony Villarreal) who’s also dying inside Hospice at the Battle Creek Veteran’s Hospital (VA) in MI over this C-BS. He hasn’t been allowed any visitors including family for 2 months now. NO ONE is allowed in. Nor are we allowed to drop any personal items for him at the Guard House on the grounds of the VA. He has no dementia, therefore very aware of his surroundings where he’s telling me via phone the staff argues all the time during shift changes over politics & mandatory social distancing between patients which I can clearly hear myself. And he’s NWO savy. And to top that off, they moved the entire Hospice patient ward OFF the ward (to make room for the influx of coronavirus patients that don’t even exist) forcing them ALL into another building, completely new surroundings. That was traumatic for him/them. They’re forcing him to die alone with NO family members allowed at all. I’m beyond angry, I’m outraged. Best of luck to you Mike. I sure feel your pain.
