Did you know that there’s no such thing as “outer space”?

This meme below inspired me to make this post. There is no such thing as the “outer space” that we have been conditioned to believe in by charlatans who claim to be scientists. A “scientist” is someone who records data taken from direct observation, not someone who makes assumptions, then calls those assumptions facts, and uses that so-called fact as the basis for more and more so-called facts and theories.

Space Fraud

Observe this video below of a supposedly successful rocket launch. This is the very first video I chose, and it does exactly what the meme above depicts, which is that after initial launch, the rocket slowly goes horizontal, and then you can actually see it tilt back down. Yes… down, not up.

And then at about the 2:12 mark there is a convenient video edit that cuts to a view of the rocket showing a curved earth, but it is likely a fish-eye lens that bends the image. If you’re a flat earther, you already know that they use fish-eye lenses all the time to try to fool us into believing that we are seeing curvature.

Note the official-sounding conversation we’re hearing of the “scientists” and “technicians” who are overseeing this immensely important asteroid probe launch (what a joke that is). And note also that this launch is at night — could this be so that it isn’t so obvious that the rocket is just making a giant parabola and then coming back down into the ocean?

“What goes up, must come down”… sing it!

The History of Flat Earth (Video by Eric Dubay)

Is Eric Dubay a genuine truth-seeker? Or is he a disinformation agent? This is a question that I’m sure bugs a lot of people who become interested in the flat earth subject. There are many differing opinions out there, and I myself have gone back and forth on the matter. Is it possible that the flat earth subject became popular on the internet, and Dubay was the “agent in place” ready to lead the movement? Yes, it’s possible. Remember that Lenin said, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves,” a quote that Dubay happens to repeat often.

It’s hard to know when you all you have to judge by is what you see on the internet. I’m not a big fan of his rap videos or his in-your-face vegetarianism videos, which is a philosophy that I’m all for. But one thing in favor of Dubay being genuine is that his flat earth videos and other material is always right on the mark. This video below entitled “History of Flat Earth” is probably the best truth video I’ve ever seen. Everything presented in this video is simple common sense… common sense that we have almost lost contact with and forgotten. This video blows the lid off of the greatest lie in the history of mankind. If you’re interested in learning the truth, you owe it to yourself to watch this…

(Note: This is a mirrored video due to Eric Dubay’s YouTube Channel being shut down. Nothing to see there, I’m sure.)